Embracing Imperfection: The Beauty of Being a Real Mom
Something I’m absolutely loving lately is the transparency of moms on social media. We’ve got the woman on TikTok that normalizes a messy house, the parenting meme Instagram accounts, and so much more. It’s better than it used to be—but it can still improve.
There is so much pressure and stigma around being a parent—and a mom in particular. It’s ingrained in our daily lives. The expectation sits heavily on us. All of these stories that are showing up can make moms and other parents feel less alone, more normal. And that’s what Mindful Mom Club is all about—normalizing that not every day is highlight reel worthy. In fact, we really need to redefine what “worthy” actually means.
Every piece of your journey is a “worthy” part of your story. The good, the bad, the mediocre. It all matters in the long run. So, let’s start talking about celebrating authenticity, where real stories, genuine moments, and the raw essence of your parenting journey can take center stage.
Embracing Imperfection
Being a real mom may mean wearing imperfections as a badge of honor. Stains on every piece of clothing you have? That’s okay. Messy hair? Girl, it’s fine. Running late? At least you’re going at all! Your kids socks not matching? They’ve got socks on, don’t they!?
You’re not always going to be perfectly put together. And that’s okay. In fact, that’s accepted. You have more to take care of and more to worry about than appearances. And don’t let the perfectly curated Instagram accounts and other mom accounts get you down.
In fact, for a while, I had to totally detox from Instagram and Facebook. Er, pretty much three years to be exact. Even the stories that were curated to feel “real” didn’t quite feel real to me, and they made me feel inadequate at best.
If it makes you feel any type of way, unfollow it. We don’t have time to compare our stories to others or feel “less than.”
Your journey as a mom is beautiful, and uniquely your own.
The essence of being a real mom lies in the stories we share – the ones that don't make it to the perfectly filtered Instagram feed.
Let's revel in the chaos of spilled milk, the laughter after the wrath of a tantrum, and the unexpected triumphs that often go unnoticed. Like finding matching socks in the morning! (If you can’t tell, that is a big pain point in my life right now...)
Finding Joy
My mom is one of those moms that seems to do it all, and make it look easy. When she and my dad make the trip up, our house is suddenly clean, pretty much organized, and the laundry piles transform to neat, folded stacks.
I asked her how she did it all, and how she stayed so positive through all of that. Her answer has stuck with me.
“Find the joy.”
Even in the little things—if you can find even a sliver of joy or satisfaction, knowing you’re helping the home, or making it fun, or somehow find a piece of joy in it instead of viewing it as “just another thing on the to-do list,” it can transform your view and attitude.
It’s taking me a while to get used to this advice and implement it, but it does seem to be working!
True joy is not found in perfection but in the realness of motherhood. It's in the mismatched socks (yep, socks again), the impromptu dance parties in the living room, and the unfiltered laughter that echoes through the house. Celebrate the small victories and find joy in the ordinary moments that make your journey uniquely beautiful.
Navigating Mom Guilt
Mom guilt often creeps in when we feel we fall short of an unattainable standard. Let's redefine success as a real mom – it's not about flawlessness but about navigating the challenges with grace and resilience.
Embrace the mess-ups, forgive yourself, and allow imperfections to be stepping stones, not stumbling blocks. This is so much easier to do when you have a community around you.
By sharing our imperfect moments in real life, and supporting one another, we create a sense of understanding and compassion.
Your realness inspires others to embrace their imperfections, fostering a community where every mom feels seen and celebrated.
In the journey of motherhood, perfection is an illusion, and imperfection is where the true beauty lies. Embrace the authenticity of being a real mom, share your stories, find joy in the everyday moments, and revel in the imperfections that make your motherhood uniquely beautiful.
Here's to the real moms who navigate the chaos with grace and celebrate the genuine magic found in the imperfect moments.